How 24-Hour Home Care Helps With Senior Nutrition

How 24-Hour Home Care Helps With Senior Nutrition

 February 9, 2024

A plate of french toast with butter on top.

As seniors age, prioritizing health becomes something that is more important every single day. If they’re not doing simple things, like eating breakfast every day, that’s a quick change that can help. February is National Hot Breakfast Month, so it’s a fantastic time to reassess breakfast options. For seniors who need more help, 24-hour home care services can do a lot to ensure that seniors are eating healthy meals all day long.

Boosts Nutrient Intake

Hot breakfasts offer lots of opportunities for seniors to eat plenty of nutrients at the beginning of the day. Hot breakfasts that include ingredients like fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains offer essential vitamins and nutrients that seniors need in order to stay healthy. Solid ideas can include options like oatmeal with berries and bananas or whole-grain toast with eggs.

Helps to Sustain Energy Levels

Eating a hot breakfast helps seniors to have sustained energy throughout the morning. A warm breakfast that is balanced, meaning it includes complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats, takes longer to break down so it offers plenty of energy. One reason seniors might skip breakfast is that it’s tough to cook early in the day. 24-hour home care providers can make it easier for seniors to get a full breakfast in the morning.

Promotes Digestive Health

Colder foods can be harsh on the digestive system, especially for seniors. Warmer foods can help to ease the digestive system into functioning properly earlier in the day. When seniors are waiting until late in the day to eat much of anything at all, much less warm foods, they may feel more uncomfortable and experience more digestive issues.

Can Support Weight Management

It’s long been a saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for overall health. Breakfast is definitely an important meal, especially for seniors who are trying to balance their weight and other health concerns. Eating protein-rich meals early in the day helps seniors to feel full longer, which can help them to avoid unhealthier food choices later in the day.

Encourages Early Hydration

Starting out the day with breakfast isn’t just about the food. It’s also a way for seniors to get a little more hydration into their bodies, especially in the morning. Food also contains water and eating a warm breakfast earlier in the day can help aging adults to hydrate more overall.

Addresses Dietary and Medication Needs

For seniors who take medications that require them to eat by a certain time, a hot breakfast can make that easier to do regularly. Hot breakfasts also accommodate a variety of different dietary needs and recommendations. Offering a wide range of different types of warm meals for breakfast keeps seniors interested in eating healthy foods.

The benefits of eating warm foods earlier in the day can really give seniors a boost when they want to stay as healthy as possible. Getting into the habit of eating a hot breakfast is a lot easier for seniors to do with the right help. 24-hour home care providers offer a lot of assistance with not just meal preparation but other household tasks, too, which makes life easier on so many fronts.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring 24-Hour Home Care in Sewickley, PA, please contact the caring staff at In-Home Quality Care today. Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area since 1990! Call 412-421-5202
